Created in 1997 by Snowboarder Serge Vitelli, and François-Xavier Helar, a ski instructor in Valthorens and native from a "bahnar" ethnie in Vietnam, the Kontum Snowboard is a sport and humanitarian event . The benefits made from the event will be given to the association named AMEV - Help to the Ethnics Minorities of Vietnam.
This event will take place in Valthorens, and during the weekend, differents activities will succeed each other, and they'll be based on three differents themes :
Presentation of the actions done by AMEV
A Banked Slalom, open to everyone, where pros and ams can compete against each others on the same track.
Exposition of usuals Ethnics Vietnamese objects and pictures.
Meetings, Vietnamese diner, concerts, movies, etc...
Association AMEV, created in 1992, works on the Highlands of the center of Vietnam, in the province of Kon Tum and Dak Iak. By developing agricultures projects, she supports highlanders in their development, integrated to the country's one, while respecting their cultural specs.
These populations have been moved and sedentary at the end of the war, which implies new habitations and agriculturals structures, and new landmarks.
AMEV mostly step in the villages Bahnar, Xodang, Édé, differents ethnies that lives in the region.
Her actions are :
- Build common houses (village pride), & developing traditional craft.
- Creation of two agricultural farms (cows & wilds pigs, bamboo plantations).
- Scholarships to the 40 students from college to university.
- Supports of micros economics projects for highlanders families.